Stand Up Straight


I recently read a very interesting article in the Detroit Free Press by Dr. James Proodian DC CCSP CSCS. His research equates good posture with good health. He makes some very good points. In the last paragraph, he says “Good posture is a choice.” I don’t think it is a conscious choice.

How many times were you told or reminded yourself to “stand up straight", only to find yourself back where you started in a few seconds?

The notion of posture is a static idea compared to a more dynamic sense of being “upright”.

As humans, we develop the capacity to be upright in the field of gravity; sitting, walking, running, etc. This process takes place during early child development and is unique to each person based on their environment.

The outcome is mostly due to our ability to imitate the people in our lives, layered with self discovery and interaction with the environment. Because this happens before conscious memory, it is hard to change by choice.

The Feldenkrais Method aims at redeveloping that process by tapping back into the kinesthetic/sensory motor aspect of the nervous system to “reboot” the outcome.

Students/clients can experience being “upright" with ease and effortlessness and can sustain this new way of being without “conscious" effort.

To quote Dr. Feldenkrais “We try to make the impossible Possible, to make the possible Easy, and the easy Elegant.”

This article appeared in the Detroit Free Press on Sunday, May 26, 2018. Please visit THIS LINK to read the article in full as it appears on the Times Herald website. 

Dr. James Proodian, DC, CCSP, CSCS is the founder of Proodian Healthcare and Natural Healthcare Center in Long Branch and Middletown. Email: Website:
Olivia Shanks